To: Crossroads Board of Directors
Crossroads Board of Directors/Parent Meeting Petition
October 28, 2013
To: Thomas J. Giblin, III
Albert Rex
Karen Rose
Mike Dorsey
Martin Kirshner
Teresita Ramos
We, the undersigned parents of the students of Crossroads School, write regarding the recent termination of Jill McGrale Maher as Executive Director.
As we understand the school’s by-laws, the Board has the authority to “terminate (the Executive Director) for cause”, as outlined in Section 2.1 (d). No such cause has been identified for Ms. McGrale Maher’s termination. Therefore, we request that you immediately schedule a meeting between the entire Board and us, the parents, in order to hear the allegations of wrongdoing. In addition, we expect that the position of Executive Director will remain vacant until after said meeting, and, in the event that no cause exists, that she be reinstated without delay.
Consistency is critical for children with special needs. In order for the school to meet its students’ educational and behavioral needs, continuity of leadership must be established. It is of deep concern that Crossroads School has had three Executive Directors within the span of its eleven-year existence.
Ms. McGrale Maher has been a stabilizing force for the school, its students, and its families. Crossroads has made great strides during her three and a half year tenure. The following are just a few of the accomplishments:
• The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE) program review noted full compliance, versus the previous review three years earlier, in which ten findings of noncompliance were discovered.
• Student population increased from 37 to 60, and a waiting list was developed for the first time in Crossroads’ history.
• Crossroads developed a successful partnership with Endicott College, resulting in a significant number of staff enrolling in Master’s level courses, and improving the quality of instruction for our children.
• Every classroom is now helmed by a SPED-certified teacher, again for the first time since the school’s inception.
• A behaviorally based social skills curriculum was implemented, an asset that differentiates Crossroads from other area schools servicing the same student population.
• Approval of a program reconstruction plan was granted, resulting in a tuition increase of $20,000 and allowing for the addition of services necessary to support the students’ needs.
• Crossroads developed an after school sports program.
Terminating the person who has spearheaded these efforts, without just cause, would be a grave disservice to our children and to us as their parents.
If the Board and the parents of Crossroads’ students are to forge a constructive relationship, it is essential to develop mechanisms to share information and ideas concerning the operations of the school. The mission of the school will be furthered by cooperation and trust, not by mysterious and unilateral decisions. To that end, we request that you provide us, within three days of the receipt of this petition, the date of a meeting to take place within two weeks, between the full Board of Directors and the parents of Crossroads’ students. Information regarding the date and time that is convenient to the Board may be sent home in the students’ backpacks.
We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance for the opportunity to together determine the best course of action for the students, employees, and families of Crossroads School.
To: Thomas J. Giblin, III
Albert Rex
Karen Rose
Mike Dorsey
Martin Kirshner
Teresita Ramos
We, the undersigned parents of the students of Crossroads School, write regarding the recent termination of Jill McGrale Maher as Executive Director.
As we understand the school’s by-laws, the Board has the authority to “terminate (the Executive Director) for cause”, as outlined in Section 2.1 (d). No such cause has been identified for Ms. McGrale Maher’s termination. Therefore, we request that you immediately schedule a meeting between the entire Board and us, the parents, in order to hear the allegations of wrongdoing. In addition, we expect that the position of Executive Director will remain vacant until after said meeting, and, in the event that no cause exists, that she be reinstated without delay.
Consistency is critical for children with special needs. In order for the school to meet its students’ educational and behavioral needs, continuity of leadership must be established. It is of deep concern that Crossroads School has had three Executive Directors within the span of its eleven-year existence.
Ms. McGrale Maher has been a stabilizing force for the school, its students, and its families. Crossroads has made great strides during her three and a half year tenure. The following are just a few of the accomplishments:
• The Department of Elementary and Secondary Education’s (DESE) program review noted full compliance, versus the previous review three years earlier, in which ten findings of noncompliance were discovered.
• Student population increased from 37 to 60, and a waiting list was developed for the first time in Crossroads’ history.
• Crossroads developed a successful partnership with Endicott College, resulting in a significant number of staff enrolling in Master’s level courses, and improving the quality of instruction for our children.
• Every classroom is now helmed by a SPED-certified teacher, again for the first time since the school’s inception.
• A behaviorally based social skills curriculum was implemented, an asset that differentiates Crossroads from other area schools servicing the same student population.
• Approval of a program reconstruction plan was granted, resulting in a tuition increase of $20,000 and allowing for the addition of services necessary to support the students’ needs.
• Crossroads developed an after school sports program.
Terminating the person who has spearheaded these efforts, without just cause, would be a grave disservice to our children and to us as their parents.
If the Board and the parents of Crossroads’ students are to forge a constructive relationship, it is essential to develop mechanisms to share information and ideas concerning the operations of the school. The mission of the school will be furthered by cooperation and trust, not by mysterious and unilateral decisions. To that end, we request that you provide us, within three days of the receipt of this petition, the date of a meeting to take place within two weeks, between the full Board of Directors and the parents of Crossroads’ students. Information regarding the date and time that is convenient to the Board may be sent home in the students’ backpacks.
We look forward to hearing from you, and thank you in advance for the opportunity to together determine the best course of action for the students, employees, and families of Crossroads School.
Why is this important?
In the wake of Jill McGrale Maher's recent termination, parents are left with many questions that have not been addressed by the Board of Directors. Please click the link to view the petition. If you are viewing this from a smartphone, please be sure to scroll to the right to view the petition letter in its entirety. We intend to deliver this petition in 48 hours.