To: President Donald Trump, The New York State House, The New York State Senate, Governor Andrew Cuomo, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Cuomo Forces Brooklyn Residents to travel to Staten Island for Health Care!

Stop the closing 0f Kingsboro Psychiatric Center and Down State Hospital/ Medical School.There is an attack on the mental health System. There is a smear Campaign to justify steeling Brooklyn tax dollars and not providing the services to the Brooklyn residents. It doesn't make sense for Brooklyn the biggest borough to send our Mentally ill families to Staten Island 2 1/2 hours away for treatment, they will quicker take to the streets!

Why is this important?

Governor Cuomo is closing the only long term psychiatric Hospital in Brooklyn and sending a little over half of the patients and families to Staten Island. The other 115 beds are being closed forcing the other patients to be kicked out and possibly will be on the trains and the streets of Brooklyn. Kingboro services patients with a long history of being severely and persistently mentally ill, as well as forensinc patients. The South Beach Psychiatric Hospital is over 21/2 hours a way. Not to speak on the 650 employees whom could be jobless as well! Please help! It is Brooklyn who will suffer! The Kingsboro property will be like a shelter instead! Spread the word they are doing it quietly! The streets of Brooklyn will suffer the loss of mental health care. You only have to watch the news to know not having this service in Brooklyn will effect the community adversely. There is an attack on Brooklyn's Mental Health Center and on Brooklyn residents with a long history of being severely and persistently mentally ill.
Please support not closing Kingsboro Psychiatric Center and Down State Hospital/ Medical School.There is an attack on the mental health System. There is also a smear Campaign to justify steeling Brooklyn tax dollars and not providing the services to Brooklyn. It doesn't make sense for Brooklyn the biggest borough to send our Mentally ill families to Staten Island 2 1/2 hours away for treatment, they will quicker take to the streets!
