To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Cut Congressional pay to welfare amount until debt crisis solved

Our country is facing a huge budget crisis. Republicans claim that $250,000/year is near poverty level, and that taxes should not be raised on those making more than $250,000/year (this is net, after business expenses and business reinvestment for small business owners have been taken out). They want to balance the budget by cutting pensions, veterans benefits, etc.

At the same time, these people who claim that $250,000/year is near poverty level, also claim that people on welfare and SSDI (disability income, for those who are too disabled to work) are getting rich off the $8100 they have to live on each year.

Let's show Congress what "wealthy" feels like. Until they pass a budget that provides for the needs of our country without defaulting on our debt obligations, let's cut Congressional pay (and the pay of Congressional staffers) to $675 per month, or $8100 per year. But because monetary gifts can disqualify a person from welfare or SSDI, Congress needs to receive equal treatment. No monetary or in-kind gifts of any kind from any lobbyists, under penalty of incarceration.

Given that they wail about people getting rich on $8100/year, and the need to cut payments to those people, I'm sure that congressmen will have no problem paying for housing, food, insurance, and health care on $675/month.

Why is this important?

Two years ago, the Obama Administration compromised again and again with the Republicans, but the Republicans refuse to arrive at a workable funding solution to avoid the "fiscal cliff". Republicans claim that $250,000/year is near poverty levels, yet they claim that the $8100/year that welfare recipients receive makes them wealthy.