To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Cut Defense and Fed Gov pensions now

This is not about compromise. Bogus/Fraud Fiscal Cliff.

The solution to the fiscal cliff is very simple defense and pensions make up 50% of the budget.  There should be no government pensions.  Phase out employee, non-elected the same way corporations and unions and city and state governments are reducing or eliminating them.  Private sector only has 401Ks sometimes no are lucky if you get 5 or 10% matching.  All elected gov officials city, state, and federal eliminate free health care and free pensions immediately and retroactively, no free travel expenses and no free housing expenses, no exceptions. Elected officials must sacrifice if they want to serve the people.  No double dipping on existing pensions....pick the best one that you are entitled.  The others are public money and wasteful spending that cheats ordinary Americans.


Matching 401Ks should be the most any governmental body should offer for retirement.  Do not cut social security or medicare.  They are mandatory deductions from pay that are allocated reserves that should not have been touched, mismanaged by deficit spending republicans.  Lifeline for the middle and low income Americans.

stop making new rules that makes the tax code more complicated.  10% taxes for $300K and below, 40% for $300K and above, no deductions, no AMT, nada, you donate if you can afford it, look Zukerberg donated $100 mil to NJ schools and another $500 million to other causes, more net spending income for all Americans....the rich won't be affected....they have the means to earn more....the poor are stuck, eliminating credits and other exceptions is more of the same.  set a flat net income tax rate for small business and corporations....25% to 35%, no loopholes, downsize the IRS, cut funding to expenses funded by the general fund.  cut foreign aid, end wars, plan for natural disasters, cut all grants, expenses need
to be  itemized and put up to a popular vote...50% of the federal budget is plenty of space to find cuts that won't hurt ordinary Americans.  The slew of worthless propositions, this is the real use for propositions, don't let those bribed elected politicians make spending decisions.  America can make them better.  Example, Prop 30 for Education and other critical expenses voted in by CA.

Why is this important?

How to solve Fiscal Cliff.

This is not about compromise. Bogus/Fraud Fiscal Cliff.

The solution to the fiscal cliff is very simple defense and pensions make up 50% of the budget.  There should be no government pensions.  Phase out employee, non-elected the same way corporations and unions and city and state governments are reducing or eliminating them.  Private sector only has 401Ks sometimes no are lucky if you get 5 or 10% matching.  All elected gov officials city, state, and federal eliminate free health care and free pensions immediately and retroactively, no free travel expenses and no free housing expenses, no exceptions. Elected officials must sacrifice if they want to serve the people.  No double dipping on existing pensions....pick the best one that you are entitled.  The others are public money and wasteful spending that cheats ordinary Americans.


Matching 401Ks should be the most any governmental body should offer for retirement.  Do not cut social security or medicare.  They are mandatory deductions from pay that are allocated reserves that should not have been touched, mismanaged by deficit spending republicans.  Lifeline for the middle and low income Americans.

stop making new rules that makes the tax code more complicated.  10% taxes for $300K and below, 40% for $300K and above, no deductions, no AMT, nada, you donate if you can afford it, look Zukerberg donated $100 mil to NJ schools and another $500 million to other causes, more net spending income for all Americans....the rich won't be affected....they have the means to earn more....the poor are stuck, eliminating credits and other exceptions is more of the same.  set a flat net income tax rate for small business and corporations....25% to 35%, no loopholes, downsize the IRS, cut funding to expenses funded by the general fund.  cut foreign aid, end wars, plan for natural disasters, cut all grants, expenses need
to be  itemized and put up to a popular vote...50% of the federal budget is plenty of space to find cuts that won't hurt ordinary Americans.  The slew of worthless propositions, this is the real use for propositions, don't let those bribed elected politicians make spending decisions.  America can make them better.  Example, Prop 30 for Education and other critical expenses voted in by CA.