To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate


To President Obama, the House of Representatives and the Senate:

Stop it! Stop taxing us and then using *our* money to pay for *wars* and for the benefit of rich people and corporations. You politicians don't seem to understand. We sent you to D.C. to *help* us, not to *hurt* us. If you want to call yourselves Representatives, then represent us. We put you in a plush job with lifetime income and benefits. We pay your salaries and we are sick and tired of your game playing. You are not kings, or even dukes - you are actually our servants. So start doing the right thing.

Stop the wars and bring our troops home - not next year or five years from now, but *now*. Close military bases worldwide that are not needed directly for our defense. Instead of shooting guns and killing humans they don't even want to, put those able-bodied young men and women to work repairing our horribly neglected infrastructure. We, the People don't want to be isolationists but we also don't want to support the entire world. We also don't want to continue being the guardians of the world. Let the other nations of the world unite and figure out how to solve the world's problems.

Stop spending astronomical amounts of money on planes, tanks, cannons, ships, armored clothing, etc. etc. Stop giving tax breaks to rich people, only to see them avoid paying even their fair share by opening accounts in foreign banks. Stop giving tax breaks to corporations who avoid paying even their fair share by moving their manufacturing to foreign countries. Then apply all the money saved by the above to pay down our deficit - not for any other thing.

Republicans, stop your insane fear of the U.S. becoming socialistic. In Germany, the people's tax contributions are actually used for the benefit of the people. Education is totally paid for, even through graduate school. All trade schools are free. Any medical needs and drugs are free. Their highway system is topnotch. Canada, Australia, Sweden and others also use the money from taxpayers to pay for taxpayer needs, instead of spending on war after war and for the benefit of other nations.

We have to start using our own tax money for the benefit of our own country. Stop ignoring needs of our population. Stop cutting funds for education and infrastructure. Stop even entertaining the very thought of cutting benefits of Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid. Those benefits should be increased, not cut. When you call $15 a cost of living increase, it is an insult to all the people who paid for that program their entire lives.

Please start using more reason to get us back on the right track.

Why is this important?

We all, every single person in the United States, have been affected detrimentally by Republican insistence for four decades to continue aiding and abetting corporate and wealthy incomes. This has been done with the promise of a trickle-down effect that never happened because of greed. Even now Republicans are attempting to patch up the mess they themselves caused, by acting as if the heavy majority of Americans approve of their actions. We don't. We also don't approve of Democrats backing down and giving in to Republican demands. Corporations are sitting on $Trillions, refusing to invest in new companies or to bring back companies they sent to foreign countries to take advantage of paying small incomes and avoiding taxes. We have to hold Congress and President Obama responsible for placing the responsibility of rebuilding our economy squarely on the shoulders of those who wrecked it - Republicans and Corporations.
