To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Cuts for Congress

Congress has been voting themselves raises while the rest of the US has been receiving pay cuts, reduced benefits, loss of 401(k) value. This petition seeks to cut Congress and the rest of the federal employee's benefits to a 401(k) program and Medicare as their health provider. Additionally, Congress would no longer be able to raise their own pay. Raises for Congress would require a public vote. With no pension and a 401(k) and Medicare, Congress will think long and hard about changes to the program because they would be cutting their benefits too.
Congress can opt for a supplement medicare insurance program paid for out of their own pocket.

Why is this important?

Reduce the salaries of all federal employees 5% and reduce their benefits to a 401(k) program and Medicare as their health insurance provider. They can pay for a supplemental Medicare insurance policy out of their own pocket.

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