To: Larry J. Merlo, CVS Caremark, CEO

CVS Caremark: Rethink Employee Information Policy

CVS Caremark, your policy requiring employees and prospective employees to divulge a limited amount of "health" information is not a viable solution to containing healthcare costs. The limited health information requested is not sufficient to determine overall health, but it is intrusive and insulting to your employees, and establishes a dangerous precedent of companies requiring such useless information on the part of employees. Abolish this policy, and look for reasonable means to contain costs.

Why is this important?

CVS Caremark has decreed that employees must "voluntarily" disclose certain "health" information such as height, weight, blood pressure, etc. The requested information is not sufficient to gauge an individual's overall health, and thus fails in the purported goal of reducing healthcare costs.
It is discriminatory to deny employment (or to fine those who choose not to comply with this "voluntary" request) based upon a presumption that an individual is predisposed to a particular condition.