To: Dan Satterberg, King County Prosecuting Attorney, Jay Inslee, [email protected], and Bob Ferguson, Washington Attorney General

Cyclists for Justice - Seattle Death Aug 29, 2014

Dear Mr Satterberg,

Please hold the driver of the box truck that killed mother, attorney and cyclist Sher Kung on Friday, August 29 in Seattle responsible. Charge him with vehicular homicide pursuant to RCWs > Title 46 > Chapter 46.61 > Section 46.61.520 and recommend the maximum sentence to the judge when he is found guilty.

We heard about this tragedy all the way across the country. This driver made a sober, conscious decision to drive recklessly in a manner that took the life of another human being. This is unacceptable.

Be the county attorney that steps step up and charges this motorist. Be the man that sets a new, better stronger precedent nationwide. Be the civic leader that sets the precedent for all other cases where a cyclist was riding legally, was struck by a driver and killed. Criminally charge this motorist with every pertinent state law. Let the judge or jury decide. Be the guy that makes the roads safer for everyone driving a bicycle and motor vehicle in the United States.

I've read or watched 10 news account. The cyclist was riding legally. By all eye witness accounts, the motorist failed to yield the right of way to the cyclist. He claims not to have seen the cyclist riding legally in the bike lane. Did he not see her before he passed her and made the left turn into her path? If not, why not? What prevents him from making the same turn in front of you, someone in your family or another driver - motorist or cyclist? Do we really want this guy to have a license if he doesn't know how to properly and safely execute a left turn? .(

Washington state law clearly recognizes a bicyclist as both a vehicle and traffic (whether in a bike lane or not) you have strong legal standing to file these charges. (

Please - cyclists across the Unite States need you to start the ball rolling. Don't just let this driver go home to his family because he was sober and said it was an accident. Sher Kung will never go home again. And, for what, Riding her bike in a bike lane?

Thank you for attention to this important matter.


Scott Troy
Cyclists For Justuce

Why is this important?

Cyclists are being hit, maimed and killed while riding legally all across the United States of America. It is time to hold motorists accountable for their actions with criminal charges. Stop Open Season on Cyclists!

On August 29, 2014 in Seattle, WA Sher Kung, 31 was killed while riding her bicycle in a bike lane in downtown. She was an attorney and new mother of a 7 month old child that she now leaves behind.

Kung received a bachelor’s degree from Brown University and her law degree in 2009 from the University of Californina, Hastings College of Law.

Our deepest condolences go out to her family and friends.

Take Action Now!

Do not let the Seattle Police Department or District Attorney allow this this driver to go home to his family without facing criminal charges. Several laws apply and should be enough to hold this motorist responsible for his actions. Remorse is not going to bring back this women who was cycling legally when she was struck and killed. This could be you or someone you love.

Tell the district attorney you are a Cyclist for Justice. You expect charges to be filed. Laws that can and should be applied are: reckless driving: not yielding the right of way to another driver (bicycle driver); improper turn; not exercising due care that lead directly to the death of another driver (bicycle driver). In my opinion this is vehicular manslaughter and the district attorney should file and aggressively pursue these charges. No more slaps on the wrists for motorists that kill, injure, harass or hit cyclists.

There are too many deaths of cyclists riding legally in the US. It is time for law enforcement officers, district attorneys and judges to bring criminal charges against these drivers. Enforce the existing laws as you would for any other vehicle on the road. These tragedies can be prevented.

Drunk drivers are charged when they hit and kill people in other cars. Why should sober folks that make a choice, a dangerous decision and take a risk around cyclists that result in an accident or worse, death, be allowed to just go home? They should not.

I firmly believe that when motorists are charged and jailed for killing bicyclists, motorists will take the existing laws more seriously. we will see more education for all drivers, improved safety for all bicyclists on or roads and, less motor vehicle accidents with cyclists.

Take Action Now! Contact the King County Prosecuting Attorney, Dan Satterberg, listed here. Thank you! Contact your state and federal representatives too. Push for justice! Together our voices will be heard!d motorists accountable for their actions with criminal charges.
