To: Devon Anderson, Harris County District Attorney

DA Devon Anderson is sending Black folks to jail for being poor

I am writing to ask you to resign from your role as Harris County District Attorney.
Along with people across the world, I was appalled to learn that your office had a rape victim suffering from mental trauma and illness detained so that she would testify at trial. The fact this happened under your watch and that you have defended these action has convinced me that you are not fit to hold your current office.
You should remove yourself from office. It is time for new leadership that treats people with respect and dignity.

Why is this important?

A corrupt bail and witness bond system has turned jail into prison for people who are too poor to pay their way out--and it’s claimed the lives of 55 people over the past 6 years. These atrocities have only gotten worse under the leadership of Harris County District Attorney Devon Anderson. One thing is clear: DA Anderson has no place in office.

