To: Bryan Goertz. District Attorney. Phone: 512-581-7125; Fax: 512-581-7133. 804 Pecan Street; Bastrop, TX 78602 ..., District Attorney and Governor Greg Abbott

D.A. : "Habitual criminals in Bastrop County"

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

Habituals criminals need to be sentenced as such.

Why is this important?

If you think criminals should serve substantial sentences and habitual crimimals should not be released to ply their skills as criminals after numerous arrests and convictions please sign.
Tell your friends and associates. When you see or hear from your elected officials ask them to put their support "in writing, by signing."
Dig in your heals and lend your name and support for this effort, please.