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To: Dean Stensberg, parole chairman, edward Wall, DOC Secretary, The Wisconsin State House, The Wisconsin State Senate, and Governor Tony Evers

Darrell Johnson Deserves to be Released

Darrell D. Johnson was arrested in December 1993 for Possession of a firearm by a Convicted Felon, Burglary and Burglary while armed. He was 25 years old and was given a sentence of 40 years in September 1994. At sentencing the DA stated:
“The total the state is asking for is 40 years. I'm asking that because quite frankly, given the conditions of our prisons and Mr.Johnson is probably going to serve about 10 years from today, roughly a little bit more, but I believe a 10 year period where he's in an institution is necessary"

Mr.Johnson has served almost 22 years and has been eligible for release since December 2003.He has seen the parole board 10 times and is continually denied parole and has been advised at every parole hearing that he has not served sufficient time for punishment.
Darrell Johnson has completed all the programs required of him to do ,plus he also did extra programs. He has completed AODA Level 6 Therapeutic Treatment Program, an AODA Level 1 Support Group, gotten his HSED and received a Vocational Certificate in Custodial Services Lab. He has also completed 9 of the 10 Pre-Release ReEntry Modules. The last module can't be completed until he is within 6 months of his release. On his own, Mr.Johnson has completed Anger Management, Lift Truck Operator 2 Course and he is now a Certified Powered Industrial Fork Lift Operator. Finally, he has also completed all the necessary hours to obtain a Certificate of Apprenticeship as a Custodial Worker, through the Dept. of Workforce Development.
The only program Mr.Johnson has yet to complete is the Thinking for a Change/CGIP Program. This program was never a need for Mr.Johnson to do. On September 18,2014 he took a Compass Test and because of his "apparent" test scores, Mr.Johnson was advised that he needed to take the program. This program is also offered after his release. Here is Darnell Johnson’s statement:
“To whomever is reading this, please allow me, Darrell D.Johnson, to express why I feel that I deserve to be released. I will not claim to be a model prisoner but my institution adjustment has been very satisfactory. I have received 4 minor and 4 major conduct reports in almost 22 years. None of my conduct reports have been for fighting, assault, possession/ manufacturing of a weapon, the consumption of drugs/alcohol, possession of drugs/alcohol and/or disrespect to staff. I feel that I have served sufficient time for my punishment and more importantly, I am ready to be released and am statutory eligible for release, My program participation is very satisfactory. My parole plan is also very adequate. At this present time I know that I am not a risk to the public. At the worst time in my life 1 burglarized two homes. I am surely not minimizing my actions but I have done almost 22 years for a non-violent crime. I take full responsibility for my actions and my situation. But I can assure you that I am not the same person today, that I was almost 22 years ago.
Coming to prison literally saved my life. Since being in prison I have gotten the drug and alcohol treatment that I so badly needed. I have also gotten the educational help that I need to get and keep a job. My plan is to start my own business in the custodial field. I also have a great number of family and friends that will assist me upon my release.
I am truly and deeply remorseful for my actions. I also deeply regret doing what I did to get myself in this situation. I hurt a lot of people with the action that I took. I disappointed myself and my family I am truly thankful that no one got hurt during those two burglaries and that the victims received their property back.
Thank you for reading about my situation.

Why is this important?

There is a lot in the statement of the DA at Darrell's Sentencing: “The total the state is asking for is 40 years. I'm asking that because quite frankly, given the conditions of our prisons and Mr.Johnson is probably going to serve about 10 years from today, roughly a little bit more, but I believe a 10 year period where he's in an institution is necessary"
SO the judge sentenced knowing that the offender would be out soon after he served 25% of his sentence, in this case 10 years. So he gave long sentences. This was before 2000 when everything changed. So why is Darrell still in after 22 years? he has done all he can to prove himself worthy of release. Please sign his petition and tell the powers that that you too, believe in rehabilitation and that Darrel Johnson deserves a second chance.




2021-12-22 12:24:34 -0500

10 signatures reached