To: President Donald Trump, The Minnesota State House, The Minnesota State Senate, Governor Tim Walz, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

David s law

Dear law maker,
I ask you to please take time to look at a law for kids and young adults with cystic fibrosis called David s law this law will allow everyone with cf to carry there own emzymes on there person in all public school s in the united states not in only some schools please note this is very important on so many levels as well it helps them get the food that they need with out being exposed to many of thousands of germs that they do not need please help us help these families have a normal day in public schools Thanks David and cf families in the USA

Why is this important?

Children with Cystic Fibrosis are required to take supplemental pancreatic enzymes before meals. These enzymes allow the student to digest food properly. Currently, the law states, each student must go to the nurse’s office, each day. The nurse than administers the medication to the student. This is a time consuming process, which takes forces the student to leave class early or miss part of the lunch hour. This inhibits the student’s ability to either learn or have adequate time to finish lunch. This is also becoming problematic, due to budget cuts in the schools. Some schools are eliminating full-time nurses, which would make it impossible for students to take their medication each day.
Some schools have passed laws that allow students to carry medication such as over over-the-counter pain relief medications. The main impetus for the current restrictions is to insure the safety of the students by keeping controlled substances (such as prescription medications) out of the hallways and classrooms of the school.
However, the danger of someone taking un-prescribed pancreatic enzymes is negligible.
We believe students who have Cystic Fibrosis and require pancreatic enzymes before meals, with a Doctor’s note, should be able to carry and administer their own medication. If the student demonstrates understanding and compliance with the prescribed dosage, before the school nurse, the student should be free to carry and administer the medication.
If you agree, please sign this petition and contact your lawmakers both state and federal, so David’s Law will become law as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or want to help the cause, please contact David Wagner’s Cystic Fibrosis Hotline at 612-282-1211
