To: Vincent Gray, Washington D.C. Mayor, Phil Mendelson, Council At Large and Chairman, Mary M. Cheh, Ward 3 Councilmember and Chairwoman of Committee on Transportation and the Environment, President Donald Trump, The United States House of ...

DC Mayor Gray: No racial profiling of undocumented immigrants through drivers licenses

We write to ask that you immediately revise the driver’s license bill just introduced. The District of Columbia should not set the standard for racial profiling when it comes to issuing to undocumented immigrants drivers licenses containing a special mark or stamp, which would legalize racial profiling.

The District should set the standard across the nation for how the undocumented immigrant community is treated. The undocumented community already lives in fear that revealing their status could result in their deportation, and this legislation would amplify these fears for those residing in Washington, D.C.

One city, one license. No to racial profiling.

Why is this important?

DC Mayor Vincent Gray just introduced the "District of Columbia Drivers Safety Amendment Act of 2013", which contains racial profiling provisions for undocumented immigrants: a mark or stamp in the drivers license would reveal the immigration status of the carrier, while making it invalid for federal purposes.
