To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

De-Criminalize Hemp and Marijuana

The United States Federal government should agree to take hemp and marijuana off of the controlled substances list and legalize the growth of both plants as cash crops for paper, fiber, livestock feed, bio-deisel, and marijuana that can be rated for THC levels in the same way alcoholic beverages are by proof. Regulation of use of marijuana for medical or recreational use should be determined at the state level. Hemp growers should receive the same incentives as corn growers when bio-deisel will be the product.

Why is this important?

Hemp should be a cash crop for paper, cloth, livestock feed and bio-deisel, among other products. Regulation of marijuana should be decided at the State level. Decriminalizing both crops will spur economic growth, reduce crowding in jails, and save taxpayers billions in incarceration costs - a win-win-win situation nationwide. It's time to end the dissonance between federal and state laws.
