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To: @SenatorBraun @ToddYoungIn @RepMrvan

DEA practicing Medicine without a license req. a DEA Congressional Oversight Hearing

The DEA is Practicing Medicine Without A License. Making decisions between Pain Management Doctors & their Patients when it comes to prescribing Opioid Pain Medicine due to the Addiction Crisis. Pain Patients are suffering & Committing Suicide and not permitted to make decisions in their own care. The OD rates of people with SUD due to Illicit Fentanyl is at a record high. This War On Drugs has been an UTTER FAILURE! DEA is cutting the manufacturing of Opioid Pain Medicine to dangerous levels causing Hospitals and Pharmacies to run out. We have to take action NOW before we reach the point of no return.

Why is this important?

Patients suffering with Chronic Intractable Pain are being forced to suffer and commit suicide due to untreated pain. People with SUD are Overdosing in enormous rates due to Illicit Drugs. Opioids DID NOT start the Addiction Crisis. The DEA is practicing Medicine WITHOUT A LICENSE!!! The DEA has NO business in the Dr./Patient setting. Pain Patients MUST BE HEARD



2022-04-18 16:48:03 -0400

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2021-11-22 09:21:00 -0500

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2021-11-16 22:31:14 -0500

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2021-11-16 07:21:56 -0500

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2021-11-15 23:12:43 -0500

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2021-11-15 20:24:28 -0500

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