To: Tim Cook, Apple CEO

Dear Apple, please don't start a race to the bottom.

Apple is seeking to partner with Comcast in order to provide streaming content and access the backend of the internet. This is bad for Apple and bad for America because it validates Comcast, one of the worst companies in existence, and perpetuates their practice of ending net neutrality. Please tell Apple’s CEO Tim Cook that we want his company to continue to innovate and not degrade the Apple brand by associating with Comcast.

Why is this important?

Apple is a company that earned its beloved reputation by engaging in a competitive marketplace and providing its customers with innovative products. Comcast is a company that earned its reputation as one of the most hated companies by helping create laws that prevent competition and providing expensive low quality products. The result of Comcast’s behavior is that the United States has outdated and overpriced internet. This is an embarrassing situation for the country that invented the internet. Now Comcast is starting to do away with net neutrality, a concept that allowed innovative new companies like Facebook and Google to be created. Comcast’s tactics hurt the American marketplace and the American people. However, Americans recognize that not all companies are created equal and we want Apple to know that we will not tolerate one of our champions partnering with a villain in a race to reduce competition and squeeze the American consumer from the wonderful opportunities that capitalism can provide.
