To: The Colorado State Senate

Death By Car Dealer

Used car dealers offer a potential buyer the option to drive a vehicle to an independent mechanic. The independent mechanic may inspect the vehicle for possible mechanical problems. However, some vehicle mechanical failures that can cause death to the driver or other motorists require removal of a transmission, engine or gas line. For example, a failure to accelerate or gear slippage can result in a multi-car incident.
"AS IS" declarations permit used car dealers to forego inspection of any of vehicle they sell. The law is so limited in scope that only emissions failure can result in a dealer requirement to fix a vehicle. "It is used! We can't guarantee that the car will not breakdown." If I purchase a used toaster from Goodwill, I can return the item should it fail to operate properly. If I buy a car that almost killed my child and I only three days after I purchased it, I am completely at a loss. Either I pay for repairs, or continue to make payments on the vehicle while I purchase a new one.
Dealer Accountability would provide protection to the purchaser of a used vehicle for up to 90 days. The dealer would be required to make repairs to a used vehicle if it jeopardizes safety to the driver, passengers or other motorists. The proposed bill would apply to the engine, transmission and gas line. Please sign this petition so no one has to sit in an intersection helplessly while the driver and passenger, a minor child, sit in a vehicle that fails to accelerate as a semi-truck approaches.

Why is this important?

Used car dealers are beyond the scope of Colorado Law in that they can knowingly sell death traps to unsuspecting buyers.