To: The California State House, The California State Senate, and Governor Gavin Newsom

Death with Dignity Act.

Is is time for California to consider a bill patterned after Oregon's “Death with Dignity Act”. It has been in practice for 15 years now with no reports of people being "forced" to submit. The latest report, 2012, show that most who utilize this humane program have terminal cancer and are over 65 yrs old, in fact 29 out of 77 are over 75 years old. Vermont is considering a similar bill. They have a requirement that two NON-family members verify the patents wishes. Californians should have a choice. NOT to be pressured to use it, so it should have all kinds of "checks & balances" but at least a choice.

Why is this important?

Is is time for California to consider a bill patterned after Oregon's “Death with Dignity Act”. It has been in practice for 15 years now with NO reports on people being "forced" to submit. The latest report, 2012, show that most who utilize this humane program have terminal cancer and are over 65 yrs old, in fact 29 out of 77 are over 75 years old. Vermont is considering a similar bill. They have a requirement that two NON-family members verify the patents wishes. I am healthy now, but if I am 75, bed-ridden, in pain and terminally ill with no quality of life I would hate to think I have to move to Oregon to die with dignity, I'd like a choice.