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To: President Donald Trump, The California State House, The California State Senate, Governor Gavin Newsom, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Decriminalise Drug abuse and rehabilitate the Drug Addict.

Stop waging a war on the Drug addicts and help the millions of families who are torn apart by jailing addicts and costing millions, instead rewrite the drug laws and help us. We all are losing by the deaths of our Children, mothers, Fathers, Sisters, and Brothers. Wage war on the uneducated Corporations and help the Families with Drug Addiction.

Why is this important?

I am an an addicted alcoholic who has spent over a year in jail for drunk driving, after I realized I had to stop drinking I picked up a very bad Meth smoking habit, because the issues that needed to be addressed about my addiction wasn't addressed until I could no longer smoke enough speed to get high, I was a Lucky one who didn't get arrested in my Speed addiction, and I was a lucky one who didn't kill myself. Please help.



2020-07-02 00:09:39 -0400

25 signatures reached