To: The Georgia State House, The Georgia State Senate, and Governor Brian Kemp

Defeat Georgia's Islamophobic HB 3

Tell Governor Deal and the General Assembly that HATE has no place in a modern society! Georgia does not need Jason Spencer (R)'s HB 3 seeking to alter Georgia’s anti-masking law aimed the KKK to include Muslim women. This would make it a misdemeanor for anyone to wear any type of hood or veil — including niqabs or hijabs — while driving and in public spaces. Remember, this could also impact Orthodox Jewish Americans; Catholic Americans; and many Conservative Christians whose faith traditions include head coverings. Stand up for religious freedom NOW!

Why is this important?

The Georgia NAACP and other progressive organizations are committed to defend against this proposal and others in the pipeline aimed at retrogression of civil and human rights. We have a new president-elect but the Constitution is still the same. We will not take a step backward on civil and human rights!