To: Ameda Corporate Office and Florida Blue

Defective Ameda Breast Pumps

Defective Ameda Breast Pumps, covered by insurance, have harmed nursing mothers and their breast-fed infants, affecting the mothers' milk output and therefore their ability to successfully breastfeed their children. We demand that these defective, cheaply-made breast pumps be recalled and that effective breast pumps be made available through insurance.

Why is this important?

Breast pumps are recommended by pediatricians and lactation consultants, not only as a way to increase milk supply, but to bottle feed breast milk to babies for working mothers. The advantages to breast feeding are well-known and if a mother chooses to breastfeed her baby, she should be able to using resources such as an effective breast pump. The harm that the defective Ameda breast pump has caused includes but is not limited to the following: physical stress to the mother's breast, low if any output, psychological stress, failure for her baby to thrive, the introduction of supplemental formula or solid foods before the mother wants to do so, increased financial burden for means to increase milk supply including doctor's appointments, vitamins, and other resources for the mother and the child, missed work due to inability to pump breast milk, and more.