To: Iowa State Board of Education

Defend climate education in Iowa!

Iowa State Board of Education: Adopt Next Generation Science Standards that include climate change education!

Why is this important?

The Iowa State Board of Education is meeting this week to discuss whether to adopt new science standards for K-12 students that include climate change education.

An Iowa science standards review team has recommended adoption of the Next Generation Science Standards, but vocal legislators and groups that deny climate science are trying to stop them.

Thirteen states and the District of Columbia have already adopted the NGSS, which were developed by the National Academy of Sciences and science educators in 26 states, including Iowa. For the first time, all students in grades 8-12 would learn about the data and evidence that leads to the scientific consensus on climate change.

But those who deny climate science are digging in against the standards. State Rep. Sandy Salmon (R-Janesville) introduced legislation in 2014 and this year to stop the NGSS from being adopted or implemented. She recently said, "The focus is on promoting the politically controversial topic of climate change, which is a highly debatable topic, man's impact on the environment, as a scientific fact."

As you know, there is no debate among scientists about the fact of human-caused climate change. Given what's at stake for our kids and grandkids with climate change, learning about it at school is essential. A strong foundation in climate science will position students to help develop solutions.

Please sign the petition calling on the Iowa State Board of Education to adopt Next Generation Science Standards that include climate science.

Thank you for taking action!


Maria Filippone
Small business owner, physician, mother and Climate Parents member
Des Moines, IA

