To: Terry Peterson, Chairman of Chicago Transit Board and Dorval R. Carter, President, CTA

Defend Erek Slater! Reinstate him!

We the undersigned stand in support of Erek Slater, an elected Executive Board member and Steward of Amalgamated Transit Union (ATU) Local 241 in Chicago. Slater was recently fired from his job of 10 years as a bus driver for the Chicago Transit Authority (CTA). He was accused of insubordination for exercising his right and obligation to defend a member at his worksite and to protect the union’s contract. This is an illegal and unjust attack, not only against Slater and the ATU but against all workers and their contractual rights.
We demand that the CTA rehire Erek Slater and restore him to his position with no loss of pay or benefits and that the CTA respect their contract with the ATU.

Please join Erek and his supporters at the CTA Board meeting, Wednesday, March 9th at 10:00 a.m. sharp. The meeting will take place at CTA headquarters, 567 West Lake Street, Chicago. We will be speaking out together not just against this injustice but for all transit workers to be treated with respect. We will be uniting for better public services for all of us.

Why is this important?

Union member fired for defending his co-workers and their contract. This is an attack on public employees and union members everywhere. It is an example of Mayor Rahm Emanuel's anti-worker policies that hurt teachers, public workers, CTA workers, and working families throughout Chicago.
