To: John Dewer, Vice Chancellor, La Trobe University

Defend free speech at La Trobe Uni

Three La Trobe students are under threat of expulsion from the university for their participation in a campaign to stop major cuts to their department.

Midway through 2012 La Trobe University announced that they were cutting around 60% of Humanities and Social Science subjects and sacking 25% of faculty staff. Hundreds of students and staff met, demonstrated and occupied over the course of second semester to protest the gutting of their department in a campaign of civil disobedience. Such opposition to the cuts was met with hostility from the University administration.

The University is going out of their way to silence students. They employed many extra security guards - on a demonstration on Open Day - one of these security guards physically assaulted a student, as shown on national television. Students were followed around campus, filmed, photographed and threatened by the University administration. Staff were told they were not allowed to participate in any demonstrations under threat of dismissal.

A number of students are being charged with serious offenses. One female student is accused of 'breaking the ribs' of one security guard. The students unequivocally reject the charges. The 'misconduct' hearings are closed, not subject to natural justice and the students are denied any right to legal representation.

We the undersigned believe that these accusations are pure inventions of the university designed to silence dissent. Students have every right to engage in peaceful civil disobedience against outrageous attacks on our education. This is a kangaroo court. If the university seriously wants to accuse students of assault let them take it to an actual court of justice. At least there you could rely on a serious investigation and some level of public scrutiny.

We condemn this blatant attack on free speech and affirm our support for the students in the face of these allegations and urge the University to drop its charges.

Why is this important?

La Trobe University is attempting to victimise several students who were involved in a campaign of peaceful civil disobedience against cuts to the La Trobe Humanities and Social Sciences department
