To: Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert
Defenseless Without The Daily Show!
Comedy Central, find a way to extend The Daily Show and Colbert Report schedules so we aren't left defenseless so many weeks out of the year!
Why is this important?
Jon Stewart has been voted the most trusted newsman on TV. Stephen Colbert analyzes and educates at a level not matched in any media. What other journalist has started a SuperPAC to mock (but more importantly expose) the corruption and laxity at work in electoral politics?
These two Comedy Central programs are doing some of the heaviest lifting in our democracy -- but they leave the people exposed and defenseless too many weeks out of the year. Fox News spews its poison propaganda 365 days a year. But The Daily Show and Colbert Report go on extended vacations all the time. They leave for two and three weeks at a time, sometimes, and we have no firewall standing between Fox News and reality.
These two Comedy Central programs are doing some of the heaviest lifting in our democracy -- but they leave the people exposed and defenseless too many weeks out of the year. Fox News spews its poison propaganda 365 days a year. But The Daily Show and Colbert Report go on extended vacations all the time. They leave for two and three weeks at a time, sometimes, and we have no firewall standing between Fox News and reality.