To: The United States House of Representatives and The United States Senate

Defining that a corporation is not a person.

Redefine the definition of a corporation to exclude the word person, and allow the uniqueness of a person, and disallow the perpetuation of the current corporate legal fiction.

Why is this important?

It is a legal fiction that a corporation is a person, but there is a dangerous precedent for it to become a reality. This definition would compromise the integrity of a person. A person is born, a corporation is created and that is a "born" date, but whereas a person can die, a corporation suffers no such finality. A person can lose their house if that person becomes sick, a corporation has no liability or responsibility for debts or to itself; but to others whose sole motivation is money. A person has a conscience. A guilty person is responsible for wrongs regardless of their name, but a corporation can change its name and be irresponsible for its former actions.
