To: Richard H Anderson, CEO, Delta Airlines

Delta Airlines: Oppose Discriminatory Legislation in Georgia

We urge you to do more to prevent "Religious Freedom" legislation from passing in Georgia. These harmful bills open the door to discrimination against Georgians, making Georgia unsafe for LGBTQ residents, as well as religious minorities and people of color.

Why is this important?

We urge you to do more to prevent "Religious Freedom" legislation from passing in Georgia. These harmful bills open the door to discrimination against Georgians, making Georgia unsafe for LGBTQ residents, as well as religious minorities and people of color.

Last year, under your lead, Delta Airlines was instrumental in stopping these bills from becoming the law of the land in Georgia. As the state's largest private employer, Delta Airlines has a responsibility to it's employees, customers, and the residents of Georgia to do everything in their power to object to these bills.

In the past, your company has shown a commitment to civil rights in the South, by investing over $1 million in the National Center for Civil and Human Rights, and sponsoring the 50th anniversary of the March on Selma taking place this weekend. While we value this commitment, we must do more to ensure that the civil rights of ALL Georgians remain intact.

Please take a stand against these bills, and use your influence to urge other business leaders to do the same.