To: Juan Rangel, CEO of UNO Charter Schools

Demand a Forensic Audit of UNO Charter Schools

Victory! The creator of this petition declared the campaign a success. You can still sign the petition to show support.

UNO Charter schools have received more than $100 million taxpayer dollars from the CIty and State. Their leader, Juan Rangel, was a co-chair of Mayor Emanuel's election campaign and is closely associated with Alderman Burke and Governor Quinn. It's time for a FORENSIC AUDIT to see where the money has gone.

Why is this important?

Hundreds of millions of tax dollars have been diverted to Mr. Rangel, much of it siphoned off to relatives and politically connected individuals. It's time the taxpayers got a full accounting of where the money went. It's time for a FORENSIC AUIDIT now, before another dollar is diverted away from the public's schools.
