To: David Jannot, Savannah Chatham County Police Officer

Demand an Apology from SAVANNAH OFFICER David Jannot for killing Charles Smith

The the Savannah Community demands an apology from Savannah Police Officer David Jannot for killing Charles Smith . The Savannah police department has a direct reflection on police departments everywhere. The killing of Charles Smith, in addition to the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, is not benefiting the police department . They are not carrying out proper procedure . You can make a change today by signing this petition.

Why is this important?

The the Savannah Community demands an apology from Savannah Police Officer David Jannot for killing Charles Smith . The Savannah police department has a direct reflection on police departments everywhere. The killing of Charles Smith, in addition to the killing of Michael Brown in Ferguson, MO, is not benefiting the police department . They are not carrying out proper procedure . You can make a change today by signing this petition.