To: Family Care VNA & Home Care

Demand better working conditions at Family Care!

Dina Lara was fired for demanding workplace protections. Her firing highlights how poorly workers are being treated at Family Care. We demand that Family Care:
-raise its wages to at least $15 an hour
-provide paid sick days to all worker
-guarantee a regular and predictable schedule

Why is this important?

Dina Lara is a Certified Nursing Assistant with over 28 years of experience in the health care field. Recently, Dina was fired from her job at Family Care VNA & Home Care for speaking out in favor of stronger workplace protections like a fair schedule, paid sick days and paid family and medical leave.

Dina decided to get involved in a campaign for economic justice after she was forced to take unpaid time off to undergo gallbladder surgery. She took only a few days off to recover. Her doctor told her she needed 2 weeks of rest, but she makes only $10 an hour and could not afford to miss out on more pay. When she returned to work, her hours were drastically reduced. She ended up back in the hospital. Dina bravely shared her story and advocated for paid family leave so no one else would have to go through what happened to her. She testified in favor of bills at the Connecticut statehouse, and participated in press conferences and roundtables with Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro and Senator Chris Murphy.

Because of her advocacy, Family Care fired Dina, claiming she 'bashed the company'. She had been a loyal and hardworking employee there for over three years. This is unacceptable. Dina has dedicated her life to caring for others, but who is taking care of her? We must stand with her now!
