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To: CEOs from Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Meta, TikTok, Yelp, and YouTube

Demand Big Tech companies act to protect user privacy and reproductive rights!

Photo by Manny Becerra on Unsplash
Project 2025, the Heritage Foundation's plan for a second Donald Trump presidency, explicitly calls for the surveillance of reproductive health, including a national tracking of not only abortions but also miscarriages and pregnancy complications. 

This is scary—and we need the tech industry to step up NOW.

Big Tech companies like Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Meta, TikTok, Yelp, and YouTube must detail how they will protect the privacy and well-being of their users, especially when it comes to personal reproductive health data.

Why is this important?

With the looming threat of Project 2025—a dangerous blueprint spearheaded by the far right that could lead to even more extreme restrictions on reproductive rights across the country—there’s never been a more important time to prioritize digital security.

Project 2025 seeks to drastically limit access to medication abortion, surveil people pursuing reproductive health care, and punish health care providers. In its vision, Big Tech companies could be weaponized to aid in the tracking and prosecution of those who seek or provide abortion care.

These companies have a responsibility to protect their users’ data and ensure that their platforms remain safe for sharing accurate information about reproductive health.

Sign the petition to tell Big Tech companies that they must protect user privacy and reproductive rights.


2024-10-21 14:00:50 -0400

500 signatures reached

2024-10-11 12:06:54 -0400

100 signatures reached

2024-10-11 11:45:39 -0400

50 signatures reached

2024-10-11 11:40:10 -0400

25 signatures reached

2024-10-11 11:39:00 -0400

10 signatures reached