To: The Ohio State House and The Ohio State Senate
Demand Charter Accountability Today
Don’t let the Ohio legislature go home for the summer without passing real charter school accountability laws.
Sign the petition and send a strong message to the state legislature that they must pass real reform before they break for summer on June 30. Tell them real reform must 1) include an accelerated process for closing failing charter schools; 2) ensure charter schools are held to the same transparency and public records standards as other public entities; and 3) charter schools must be funded in a way that does not penalize local public schools.
Don’t let the momentum for reform die.
We need your voice to continue building momentum and to ensure the state legislature enacts meaningful reform to improve Ohio’s public education system.
Sign the petition and send a strong message to the state legislature that they must pass real reform before they break for summer on June 30. Tell them real reform must 1) include an accelerated process for closing failing charter schools; 2) ensure charter schools are held to the same transparency and public records standards as other public entities; and 3) charter schools must be funded in a way that does not penalize local public schools.
Don’t let the momentum for reform die.
We need your voice to continue building momentum and to ensure the state legislature enacts meaningful reform to improve Ohio’s public education system.
Why is this important?
Ohio charter schools have cost taxpayers and local schools millions and have only resulted in substandard results for our children. Even charter school supporters have recognized that reform is needed to protect our students from a poor education and our tax dollars from misuse.
Nearly every major newspaper throughout Ohio has called for reform:
• “The state legislature must eliminate the poor oversight and lax rules for Ohio’s troubled charter schools.” – Plain Dealer, Jan. 2, 2015
• “Lawmakers have solid evidence that current charter-school law is broken, and credible suggestions for how to fix it.” – Columbus Dispatch, Dec. 22, 2014
• “In too many cases, charter schools in low-income communities perform worse than traditional public schools that serve the same neighborhoods and promote themselves deceptively to parents.” – Toledo Blade, Dec. 29, 2014
• “Currently, the management companies often have the upper hand, to the detriment of effective oversight.” – Akron Beacon Journal, Dec. 23, 2014
Nearly every major newspaper throughout Ohio has called for reform:
• “The state legislature must eliminate the poor oversight and lax rules for Ohio’s troubled charter schools.” – Plain Dealer, Jan. 2, 2015
• “Lawmakers have solid evidence that current charter-school law is broken, and credible suggestions for how to fix it.” – Columbus Dispatch, Dec. 22, 2014
• “In too many cases, charter schools in low-income communities perform worse than traditional public schools that serve the same neighborhoods and promote themselves deceptively to parents.” – Toledo Blade, Dec. 29, 2014
• “Currently, the management companies often have the upper hand, to the detriment of effective oversight.” – Akron Beacon Journal, Dec. 23, 2014