Allow citizens to see in black and white that someone has a history of Domestic Violence before it's too late.
Why is this important?
I am a survivor of Domestic Violence. However my abuser continues 20 years later to repeat offend with at least 4 more convictions with different women who had no knowledge of his history. This information is protected by JDR court in VA but not in all states which should be the case everywhere. He and many others are protected from the public knowing of violence towards women, children and men. If it were PUBLIC and VIEWABLE information that someone has a history of spousal abuse or child abuse it could save a life. It would definitely make a huge difference in choosing this person as a mate, having a child with or allowing them to be in your life as a step parent. So much pain, injury and potential death could be prevented if there was a Registry in existence for Convicted Domestic Violence just was we all use and appreciate the National Sex Offenders Registry.