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To: Leon Cannizzaro, New Orleans District Attorney and Andrew Pickett, Assistant District Attorney

Demand Justice! Actual Innocence in New Orleans Murder!

I am Jeremy Jones #365876, Louisiana State Penitentiary, Ash 1, Angola, LA. 70712, and I was convicted of second degree murder in Orleans Parish Docket # 419-861, State of Louisiana. I was convicted of murder 14+ years ago on circumstantial evidence. Now that I have proof of my innocence, the state refuses to listen or investigate the facts denying due process.
I am starting this petition to get the facts of my friend TJ Emfingers murder, for which I am convicted. TJ's family deserves to know the truth. We need to get this case opened and prosecute the actual shooter in the death of TJ.
I was convicted on circumstantial evidence only. I was refused my right to testify by defense counsel, as well as countless errors by defense counsel. Not to mention my defense counsel became an Assistant Prosecutor weeks after my trial. The district attorney and assistant district attorney refuse to open the case, interview new witnesses, or hear my case of innocence. Although they know I have several witnesses to prove who the shooter is. It took 8-14 years to locate these witnesses, after hiring a private detective. The state refused to hear the merits of their statements due to procedural bars thrown at me from the District Attorney’s office & Court.

Why is this important?

I have been personally affected by this losing 14+Years of my life for a crime I am innocent of.

Please help me get the Justice deserved. We need this case opened and the actual killer deserves to be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Please sign on and allow Justice to be reached for me as well as the family of TJ Emfinger. Thank you and God bless!



2021-03-26 09:16:28 -0400

100 signatures reached