To: CNN, MSNBC, Fox News, NBC, ABC, CBS, Ted Stephens, General Manager at KCWI, Dale Woods, General Manager at WHO TV, Mike Wilson, General Manager at KDSM, and Paul H. Fredericksen, General Manager and President at KCCI TV

Tell Iowa’s Media Outlets To Pull Donald Trump's Racist and Misleading Television Ad

Don't air Donald Trump's anti-immigrant advertisement! He intentionally uses doctored and manipulated footage to spread anti-immigrant hate.

Why is this important?

For months, Donald Trump has been making up his own "facts" about Mexican Immigrants. Now, Donald Trump is using a heavily doctored video to back up his outrageous claims and the Iowa media is letting him get away with it.

It was recently discovered that Donald Trump's campaign manipulated and doctored video footage from an Italian television network to portray Mexican immigrants running across the United State's southern border.

In the ad, which is currently airing across Iowa television stations, a narrator says Trump will "stop illegal immigration by building a wall on our southern border that Mexico will pay for."

However, PolitiFact traced the footage back to the Italian television network RepubblicaTV from 2014. They discovered that the video wasn't from the US border at all, but from Morocco, a country in northern Africa.

PolitiFact also discovered that Trump’s video editors removed both RepubblicaTV’s logo and the 2014 timestamp from the original footage before using it in their commercial.

This intentional misrepresentation and manipulation is unacceptable and media outlets across Iowa should refuse to air the ad. If we can demonstrate a strong public response to the fake footage, we can put an end -- at least for now -- to his anti-immigrant fear mongering message.

Please join with us in demanding that Iowa media outlets pull Donald Trump's racist and misleading television advertisement.
