To: New York City Council

Demand NYC Council Ban Horse Carriages

It's 2014—not 1814. It's time to pass the bill retiring the New York City carriage horses to adoption homes, and replace them with humane, sustainable, antique-replica electric "horseless carriage" tour cars. Our proposal is a win-win!

Mayor Bill de Blasio and Speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito have pledged to sign a bill that bans horse carriages in New York City. That's why NOW is the time for the City Council to act!

Why is this important?

It's time for the cruel, outdated carriage industry in NYC to go. Carriage horses pound the pavement while dodging dangerous traffic, constantly breathing in toxic exhaust. The horses live their lives confined to the shafts of their carriage and the shafts of their tiny stable stalls, with no access to green pastures. We love NYC, but seeing such an inhumane industry continue to operate here disappoints us. And every horse will be going to a loving adoption home.

Call on the NY City Council to ban this inhumane industry now!

