To: President Donald Trump, The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Eric Holcomb, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Demand One Last Presidential Debate Regarding The Dakota Pipeline

In all debates that recently occurred with our Presidential and Vice Presidential candidates, not once was the Dakota Pipeline and the treatment of the Native American communities regarding this Pipeline an issue for topic of debate. Discussion of the Dakota Pipeline, who is allowing it to happen and why the peaceful protests are militarized is a vitally urgent issue - comparatively to other issues that were discussed over and over. We demand that both presidential candidates debate or at very least, make a public announcement regarding this topic ASAP, before the election takes place. We believe the people of Standing Rock and those supporting them and trying to protect their water, homes, land and sacred sites communities where horrific atrocities are being committed by our government need to be addressed. They somehow managed to be silent about this top issue during the debates but they will not go into any office without discussing the Dakota Pipeline.

Why is this important?

I am requesting this topic be discussed because if we can discuss issues such as the economy, the military, foreign affairs, immigration, emails, sexual conduct, race issues, LGBT issues, abortion, Russia and Russian (hacking), etc... THEN WE CERTAINLY OWE IT TO THE FIRST PEOPLE OF THIS LAND, (as they were here first), to respond to the horrible affliction that is happening to OUR AMERICAN CITIZENS. If this was occurring in another location in the U.S. that was going to disrupt entire communities, their water and way of life, I am certain that it would be dealt with differently. Look how Flint Michigan became such a hot topic. Well, this Pipeline has been a hot topic from the beginning and they try to silence it and not allow our presidential candidates to discuss it in debate with other important current issues. Someone in our government needs to start working honestly and being honest with the American people because we are living in times with technology, and the evolution of our thought, in that many of us, and many more of us daily, are aware of the truth. It has become obvious that this pipeline was an answer to the original Keystone Pipeline - they were going to build it all along, no matter what cost - like raping a person, or raping the land, or raping the water and way of life... shoving a huge pipe up into the raw core belly of earth and all life there, while saying – “and you’re going to like it and have no choice”. When this behavior occurs, those involved are raping ALL OF AMERICA and we demand open public discussion about it from our leaders and why they are harming and innocent, peaceful people who are simply saying - you are hurting me and my community and our water and way of life. The people of Standing Rock deserve support from other Fellow Americans and we all deserve to have this vitally important topic discussed by our current presidential candidates and let us know why they both have been silent about it.
