To: Goldman Sachs

Demand Pecora Hearings Be Held For The Banksters

Banks committed the largest fraud in history yet no one went to prison.The bank that was at the center of this,Goldman Sachs also services the debt they helped created & will be
paid AGAIN for this fraud in an even larger way.Demand that Pecora hearings be held to determine who is accountable for
what & to find where our system broke down so that laws can be enforced or enacted to prevent this from happening again.The next time they steal how big will that bill be if they go unpunished for this.Select an honset uncorrupted special prosecutor to look into this matter.

Why is this important?

The law requires Pecora Hearings when a large fraud is committed against the American people.The name comes form the District Attorney who held the hearings previously when this occurred.These hearings have still not been held.No one has been held accountable for the largest fraud in history.
