To: The Virginia State House, The Virginia State Senate, and Governor Ralph Northam

Demand Sensible Gun Laws

It's outrageous that to this day our state (and our nation) does not have sensible gun laws. The NRA has bought off our legislators with major contributions to their campaigns, effectively giving our rights to the National Rifle Association. Forget the second have no rights not to be shot at by some lunatic who couldn't qualify for a gun legally and so goes to gun shows to buy what he needs.

It's up to us to pressure the house and senate of our state to pass gun laws that will protect citizens. We must let them know that they can be voted out of office when enough of us get fed up enough with their non-legislation.

We demand that our legislators create laws that will ban automatic weapons from being sold, make it illegal to carry a concealed firearm, and institute a law requiring all gun purchases to be licensed including a 30-day waiting period. Gun shows must be just exhibition, with the same 30-day wait requirement for licensing before the sale of firearms can be finalized.

Enough is enough. Gun owners do get to own guns...they just have to do it legally from now on. Other countries look at us and shake their heads. Our murder rate far exceeds all of them put together!

Let's take a stand and vote only for those representatives and senators who respect our lives enough to protect us.

Why is this important?

Our legislators continue to play a deadly game with our lives and the lives of our children and grandchildren. Irresponsible gun policies have cost the lives of too many in our state and this nation.