To: Judge Nancy Case Shaffer, Probate Court Judge
Demand That Judge Nancy Case Shaffer Step Down
Sonoma County Judge, Nancy Case Shaffer, forces 63-year-old women, with Tramatic Brain Injury, and Cognitive Delays, to represent themselves against their self-dealing, and money hungry court appointed fiduciaries. We believe that Judge Shaffer is unethical, uncaring, unkind, and unprofessional. Therefore, we demand that Judge Shaffer step down as a Superior Court Judge in the State of California. . .
Why is this important?
Sonoma County Judge, Nancy Case Shaffer, forces 63-year-old women, with Tramatic Brain Injury, and Cognitive Delays, to represent themselves against their self-dealing, and money hungry court appointed fiduciaries. We believe that Judge Shaffer is unethical, uncaring, unkind, and unprofessional, therefore we demand that Judge Shaffer should step down as a Superior Court Judge within the State of California . . .