To: Governor Ralph Northam

Demand that the VSBE Investigate Election Fraud

Demand that the Virginia State Board of Elections ask the Attorney General to investigate Colin Small for voter fraud.

Why is this important?

The Virginia State Board of Elections has decided not to request an investigation into the case of voter fraud involving a contractor for the Republican Party, Colin Small. This represents a systemic attempt to disenfranchise Virginia voters, of which I am one.

The SBE is hand-picked by Governor Bob McDonnell, and two of its three executive members are Republicans. I also understand that our Attorney General is also a Republican.

I can see how this story would be inconvenient for these individuals and their party so close to the presidential election, considering the hypocrisy of the Republican party complaining so loudly about voter fraud up until this point, and then refusing to investigate it when it happens on their side.

However, I believe that as a government agency, it is grossly irresponsible of the SBE to refuse to Investigate such a serious offense. The SBE is supposed to be a resource for Virginia voters that can be relied on to protect the sanctity of voting rights. Unfortunately, it is being used to do just the opposite of that. Once again, I am embarrassed by the partisan politics that have come to define our state, and I hope that some kind of reconciliation can be achieved by the pursuit of justice for the voting people of Virginia.
