To: Mayor Thomas Hoye
Demand the Constitution
To Every Mayor of a City in Our Great Commonwealth:
The rights set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America are the envy of the world are are not to be destroyed. Not the least of these rights are in the 2nd Amendment. Those rights do not just apply to hunting or target shooting, or even only for protection in our homes using a handgun. The framers of the Constitution purposely placed no restrictions on our right to "Keep and bear arms", so neither should you.
The fact is that the cities with the most restrictive gun laws (Chicago, for example) are the ones with the highest level of gun related crimes. Why? Because criminals love it when you take away guns from law abiding citizens. We need you to stand for us; we need you to stand for our children; we need you to send a clear and strong measure to the President and Congress that the people you represent will no longer tolerate their attempts to restrict our Constitutional Rights!
The rights set forth in the Constitution of the United States of America are the envy of the world are are not to be destroyed. Not the least of these rights are in the 2nd Amendment. Those rights do not just apply to hunting or target shooting, or even only for protection in our homes using a handgun. The framers of the Constitution purposely placed no restrictions on our right to "Keep and bear arms", so neither should you.
The fact is that the cities with the most restrictive gun laws (Chicago, for example) are the ones with the highest level of gun related crimes. Why? Because criminals love it when you take away guns from law abiding citizens. We need you to stand for us; we need you to stand for our children; we need you to send a clear and strong measure to the President and Congress that the people you represent will no longer tolerate their attempts to restrict our Constitutional Rights!
Why is this important?
Ever since the tragic shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School, there has been a move afoot to take advantage of this emotional situation and use it to severely damage our Constitutional Right to own firearms.