To: Mr Jack Dorsey, CEO of Twitter
Demand To "Ban Donald Trump" from Twitter; Stop the "Hate Tweets".
We as a Nation "America" should not have to be forced to eat Donald Trump Racist spew on a daily basis on Twitter. Trump is promoting hatred on communities of color such as Latino Americans, Muslims, Blacks, women, and members of the Gay community. We demand that Donald Trump is banned from Twitter Now! Young people should not be listening to this type of racial ignorance on a daily basis. Stop the Hatred - Ban Trump from Twitter Now! Are you in? Enough is Enough. Help Stop the Hatred in our Nation. Ban Trump from Twitter!
Why is this important?
We as a Nation America must bring to an end all types of racial ignorance. I have been attacked because of Trump's racist remarks about Latino Americans. I fear being killed. Many are acting on Trump's hatred across America. Donald Trump's "Hatred Spew" on Twitter daily must be banned along with him. We are sick of reading his daily "Hate Tweets," which the media pushes daily for rating and dollars. Enough is Enough! We DEMAND that Donald Trump and his Hatred Spew be BANNED from Twitter NOW! Please take a stand - help end hatred. Are you in? Sign the petition if you are sick of Donald Trump's Racism in your Nation. I fear that Trump hatred will get me and others killed. Racism kills.