To: President Donald Trump, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Democracy - Wake Up Now !!!

WAKE UP NOW! The Media has to find a balance point- not sensationalism, soap opera drama, but realistic, this is what is here now, so stay alert, be wise and then work all together to execute a well laid out plan. That is the only way we can help protect our Country and ourselves as a whole as much as possible. I do think they can minimize the over saturation we get, eventually people will overloaded and turn off. But when the Media learns to release information and bullet points or indexed points that can effectively and quickly help identify and inform without pulling at all the emotional strings (that we already have The Age Old question of WHY did you do something like that to innocent people? it will be much healthier, effective, transitional and grounding for the society. It is better than having our heads in the sand and being kept ignorant of reality- and then finding out what is REALLY been going on,- like what keeps being uncovered that’s been going on for awhile and continues to - Politically,- Disgusting! We may find that we will have more and more homegrown terrorism because of this, and Congress may be too Distracted, Disconnected from OUR REALITY and Stupid to make the connections (Gun Control?) but the Media needs to stay focused, fair, correct and factual. Ex: A legal binding contract that has something extra slipped into it, without everyone’s prior knowledge is nullified and cancelled right away. It doesn’t even get to the stage of being signed by people who have not even read it…and if signed is still not binding, since it was slipped in illegally in the first place ( not left for 90 days , unbelievable! ) - another issue that has become blatantly clear,- when many in Congress declared they didn’t even know “the Monsanto Protection Act” as it known now, was quietly slipped in the Farmers Amendment Act,- WHO signs something legal, of such importance as a mortgage, a car loan (everyone should get their houses back, with this reasoning) , or a bill that will affect billions of people, without reading and KNOWING what you are signing??? So instead of nullifying and further stopping( it would take a court?) any more plantings (wherever they want, one spraying, next to an organic farm and its gone, with no court in the land to protect that farmer, the land… 90 days to freely plant, spray, spread their product, invade others lands, businesses, livelihoods … sick- and COURTS can do nothing to protect WE THE PEOPLE ? Doesn’t this smack of terrorism? Corruption? Didn’t it occur to the ones that read it that they just took away the US COURTS right away from making decisions? That was part of the last bill Monsanto had in front of Congress, they couldn’t get it through that way, now its through, and then ousted top of FDA and put in second in control in power, ex, Monsanto Executive.2nd step and the last one to go and they’ll have completed their goal for now, their new pesticide with Agent Orange, in the seeds.- to be passed by the FDA.HHMMM… connect the dots… HHmmm… Is it time for you to get into the Action and demand both from the Congress, and the Media that these things be brought to the light more and stopped? Do your homework! Act ACT ACT…on something, Our Country needs us and if you do nothing at all, don’t complain about how bad it gets…
I only used Monsanto as an example- what else is being signed away, without being read, really understood, who’s getting payoffs for what?, I know you have an inkling, OUR RIGHTS –( Penalizing Whistleblowers?, Not labeling our Food(Corrupt) ?, Protecting our Food Industry( Corrupt), Protecting Wall street(Corrupt)? Job security?, Pensions ?,“Social Security, Jailing the Mentally Ill , or Not Treating them and then blaming them for overcrowding , or violence in society or being an eyesore, The right to choose whether or not to use Contraception or if Needed Abortion and the Right to decide how those Children will be taken care of once born… STOP –
STOP , wondering and start paying serious attention and let everyone know WE are paying attention and ACT so they know WE do not approve of the Damages being done to OUR COUNTRY or ITS PEOPLE! –What do you think? Is it worth it to you to dash your opinion off to the News Sources? Send a petition on ?

Why is this important?

Media Responsibility , Congress Responsibility to


It affects all of our everyday lives...