To: President Donald Trump
Democratic rank and file wish list
1) Initiation of a jobs creation program. Economic recovery is the government's first priority, and the reason Obama was elected.
2) Military withdrawal from Afghanistan. The election of 2006 was about ending U.S. military involvement in the Middle East, and public opinion favors withdrawal.
3) War crimes trials for Bush, Cheney, and their underlings for Iraq and for torture of prisoners. Justice should be done, even if it delayed. The trials would warn future aggressors and torturers of the consequences of their actions.
2) Military withdrawal from Afghanistan. The election of 2006 was about ending U.S. military involvement in the Middle East, and public opinion favors withdrawal.
3) War crimes trials for Bush, Cheney, and their underlings for Iraq and for torture of prisoners. Justice should be done, even if it delayed. The trials would warn future aggressors and torturers of the consequences of their actions.
Why is this important?
Actions that the Obama Administration should have taken in the last four years, and that it's not too late to take now. People should sign it because these actions would be in the best interest of our nation.