To: President Donald Trump and Rep. Grace Meng (NY-6)

Democrats: Stand strong against Tea Party Republicans

From the government shutdown to the debt ceiling, Tea Party Republicans have wreaked enough havoc on our country. Democrats must stand strong -- demand a vote on a clean continuing resolution to reopen the government -- and don't capitulate on Social Security, Obamacare, or other vital programs.

Why is this important?

Shutting down the government is bad enough. As we roll toward a debt default because some Republicans want to win with terrorist tactics what they cannot win at the ballot box, it is time to start calling them out. Members of Congress take an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the U.S., and to faithfully discharge the duties of their office. The Republicans impeached Bill Clinton for having consensual sex. It's time that the Republicans supporting this shutdown be told plainly that shutting down the government and defaulting on our national debt is not fulfilling their oath of office and that the sane members of Congress will seek to bring impeachment proceedings against them if they don't relinquish the gun that they have at America's temple.

The Democrats have got to stop being doormats for the Republican bullying tactics and realize that the only way to stop a bully is to call their bluff and teach them a lesson so painful that they will think twice. For 200 years, the only issue serious enough to divide the country like this was slavery, and it tore the country in two. The Republicans are taking us right down the road to being a third-world country. Maybe that's OK with Rand Paul and Ted Cruz--it is not OK with me. It is no longer enough to get a clean CR.

We need to impeach the Congressmen and women that supported this idea of legislating by hostage. Our system of republican government requires that the majority and minority compromise and that can only happen within the bounds of parliamentary procedure. When one side thinks it no longer applies to them, they are no longer governing--they are fomenting revolution--and no one, Republican or Democrat should stand for it. It is worth noting that when the Republicans had the White House, the Democrats never played these games. Only one party believes it has a monopoly on truth, justice and the American way--and it's always the ones who proclaim their piety and patriotism for whom you have to watch out.