To: Harry Tizabgar
Denny's employees get shafted.
Pay restitution to the city for the unemployed you created. $10,000 for each employee that you removed from the work force to repay the tax payers for the unemployment checks they will be collecting and the gross abuse of the public contract. Raising your rates during a recession is just a civil form of class warfare. You used this opportunity to end a business that served as a hub for the city. Harry Tizabgar, you used the economic burden of the recessions effects on this business to muscle it out using the law. We will deny you your subdivisions the same way. You will not distort this part of town.
Why is this important?
Veteran Denny's employees get booted out without notice. The chain closed after 25 years. All over a "lease issue". That's a nice way of saying they raised the rent.