To: State and national Southern Baptist leaders

Denounce Operation Save America's harassment

Disrupting another church's worship service is never acceptable. Please publicly speak out against Operation Save America's extremist tactics, and do everything in your power to make sure that no more Southern Baptist congregations are involved in them.

Why is this important?

Imagine praying silently in church, when suddenly strangers rush in and start shouting: "Abomination! You're going to hell!"

Last Sunday in New Orleans, a group of anti-abortion protestors called Operation Save America disrupted worship at First Unitarian Universalist Church -- later bragging that they had brought the "truth of the Gospel" to a "Synagogue of Satan."

The protestors went on to picket a doctor's home, and hold a mock funeral with a casket they claimed was an aborted fetus. There's no justification for this behavior, no matter how you feel about abortion.

Operation Save America -- formerly Operation Rescue -- was hosted in Louisiana by a local Southern Baptist Congregation. If state and national leaders of the Southern Baptist Convention stay silent now, it is a tacit endorsement of these extremist protests.