10 signatures reached
To: Governor Tom Wolf
Dental care reform
Stop Dental price gouging.
Why is this important?
The cost of dental care is out of control and is not regulated. Most dental procedures are considered cosmetic when in fact they are not. Treatment costs can be bargained which is unheard of in other medical fields. Person A will be charged $10,000 for a root canal OUT of pocket after insurance. Person B with the same insurance will only pay $600 for the exact same procedure at a different dentist.. There is no regulation on the cost a patient can or should pay. My wife recently underwent oral cancer treatment and the cost was over $25,000 out of pocket. They botched the treatment but there are no laws that protect patients who have a erroneous procedure done by a dentist. There are no regulations that will protect them and no Lawyer will touch a medical malpractice case involving dental mistakes. The same procedure was done by a different dentist and it only cost $3,500 out of pocket. the costs for these procedures need to be looked at. This is Price gouging!