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To: President Donald Trump, The Indiana State House, The Indiana State Senate, Governor Eric Holcomb, The United States House of Representatives, and The United States Senate

Department of child services

The department is out of control and needs to be investigated and put back in check.

Why is this important?

DCS has destroyed and torn apart not just my family but several others. They place children, but with people who haven't even really changed and go right back to doing the same thing. I've seen them give kids back in just a few short months and close the case soon after and something starts all over again. The parents who want their children can't seem to get them back. The department lies and makes false promises to parents. They don't try to help families or care how it is affecting everyone as a whole. Myself personally have dealt and are still dealing with them and the department along with the therapist who sees my older children and has them convinced that I don't want them or love them. I have my youngest daughter, whom the department failed to inform the court of when my rights where terminated, and failed to inform the court that I owned my place. And, my attorney was no help. When I filed my appeal, I was told I could continue seeing my children with no change. As of October, they took my visits away and informed me they were moving forward with adoption and to treat my case as if there was no appeal in place. They had set up a goodbye visit without asking if I was available, and when I wanted to change the date because I had to work, the therapist told the caseworker that I didn't want to see my children, so now they are denying me a goodbye visit. They won't answer any of my questions. Now they are doing the same thing to a friend of mine; they told her to clean her house and then her children can come home. Her home is clean and they are not letting them come home. I love my children and want them home. Something needs to be done about DCS. I've never hurt my children or neglected them. They always had clothes, food, beds, and have never been abused. There are people who are starving their children and beating their children and nothing happens to them until it's too late. My children went to private schools and were active in their school. Please sign this petition to put a stop to DCS and have something done. Thanks



2020-07-08 12:19:31 -0400

25 signatures reached